Your Online Resource Information distribution for member communications and resources are all online. We Go Green! The National Association of Professional Receptionists is the information resource for front line - first impression representatives of businesses in all industries. As a member you will get the benefits of information regarding:
Membership is available for individuals worldwide. Certification is available for individuals in the United States of America, Canada and those employed by USA and Canadian companies. Memberships are personal, non-transferable and non-refundable after 30 days. NAPR yearly membership dues are $120.00 dollars. Multiple (10 or more individuals) corporate memberships are available at a 20% discount. Please call our association management at 1-877-709-5051 for details. To print a membership application and pay by check or money order Click Here. To pay for membership on a secure server using a major credit card or e-check, you have the following payment options.